Saturday, August 18, 2007


Lately it has been extremely hot here in Virginia. So what does that mean exactly, alot of indoor play and naked babies. The boys have been spending the majority of their time in the house lately, or at other indoor activities like playgroup. I know it is on Stevies last nerve, but he is the worst of them all. He can beoutside for just a few moments and come back looking like a sweaty tomato. His best friend Lily has also been gone awhile now so he is getting very anxious for her return. Noah is fine as long as he is eating. And Andrew as long as he can see me lets face it he is a happy camper.

I dont know what they were doing here!
Pretty baby
Happy Boy

Noah after the wiggles, shhh shhh shhh noahs now asleep!

Swim lessons

Stevie took swim lessons this summer and he was the best in his class if i do say so myself. He listened so well and did everything he was told. I had him in the preschool class and his teacher told me to skip level one and go right to level two, that he is ready. I am so proud of him.

Stevie getting ready for swim class
Stevie jumping in before his teacher got there
Stevie learning how to doggie paddle


Stevie and Noah went to the wiggles recently. Grandma Loretta gave them the tickets for their birthdays. They had such a good time. Stevie danced and sang the whole concert and Noah just sat smiling in disbelief the whole time. You could just see in his head he was going, "is it really them, is the really Anthony!" Thanks Grandma they had such a good time.

Thanks for the shirts Grandma Holly

Stevie and Noah waiting for the concert to start

Noah showing Daddy the wiggles

Stevie giving a wiggles dancer his bone for Wags