Thursday, March 6, 2008

oh my busy bees

We have been extremely busy lately. Steve is out of town, so as the saying goes "when daddy is away, the kids will play" you know, or something like that. the weather has been so nice lately we decided to let the kdis play hookie from school on Monday and we all went to the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk. It was a beautiful zoo and the kids had a great time. To Noah everyhting was either a turtle or a Norsey. But I think he enjoyed it the most.

Stevie and Lily trying to find the elephants
The whole gang outside raphael the turtles home
Mommy and Noah looking at the lions
the daddy lion, Stevie told him to get up and do the dishes
We also took the kids bowling. Stevie is anawesome bowler, he bowled and 79 and 91. yes he ahd bumpers but still his aim was great. Noah like to run around the bowling alley "playing" the video games. We never put money in them, he just thinks he is playing. Andrew just likes people to be around.
Andrew smiling, look at those baby feet.
Noah doing what he does best eating
Stevie making a strike
At playgroup this week they had a fire drill and afterwards the fighfighters let the kids in the truck. Stevie was so excited he couldnt control himself. noah just said no adn went back to the toys. But what cxan I say thats my Noah.

Stevie playing fireman