Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It was recently Birthday time at the Mosack house celebrating Stevies 4th Birthday adn Noahs 2nd. We had alot of visitors. First Grandma Holly and Grandpa Tim came and we took them to Busch gardens to celebrate. They had a great time. The Grandma Lois and Grandpa Steve came and were able to be there for the boys party. It was very nice in my oh so unbiased opinion. We had egg races, which for a bunch of "babies" the did rather well. The we tried to get them to pop balloons using eachothers bellies and and well to make a long story short really who wants to pop a good balloon. The boys got lots of good presents. They were so excited with all the new things, Stevie screamed when he opened a Ninja Turtle van. I thouht he was going to pass out. They each ahd their own cake and we all sang them Happy Birthday. Stevie is already asking when he birthday is coming. Not for awhile I tell him... thank God!

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