Tuesday, February 19, 2008

To much time has past

Well it has been quite along time! Alot has been going on so lets jusp right into it....
Andrew got his first haircut because lets face it he was starting to look like a girl! he is back to his old happy self after a few weeks of being evil. He is all smile and giggles. Steve is still working towards special forces selection adn the boys are enjoying helping him. When Noah thinks Steve is slacking off he tells him "push" which basically means "drop and give me twenty, with me on your back!"

Here is a pic of Andrew getting his first haircut. daddy did it while mommy was at a birthday party.
Noah is helping daddy do his pushups!
Squats with the stevie assisting. Steve forgot his ruck so he used Stevie instead!
Cant forget Andrew he is great for the cool down.

Stevie is now playing basketball. he is on the 76ers and he loves it. He is excited to go to practice and gets excited over the games. Noah makes Daddy play catch the whole time we are at the game. Noah is so ready to do everyhing Stevie does.

Stevies team in a pregame huddle
Noah catching the ball. he is so cute!
Steve was also promoted to Staff Sergeant this month. This is very exciting for our family. We are so proud of him.

Mommy pinning Daddy with his new rank!
The Mosack Family

Daddy is spoiling his boys. he recently got them a new corvette for no reason except he loves them. They are constantly in and have recently learned how to turn on the faster speed. When Lily plays they take her barbie jeep out for her to ride in, but when they think we arent looking they make Noah get in the jeep so Lily can ride with Stevie. They think they are being sly but Noah loves to be alone in the jeep!

The car before the boys got to it!
The Boys taking their first spin in the car

We recently went to the circus. The boys had so much fun, even Andrew was on Daddys lap clapping. Stevie was screaming at everything, It found it all so exciting. Andrew clapped constantly until passing out at intermission. Noah our little professor sat quietly amazed, taking it all in. The only time he made any noise was when the horses came out then he kept yelling "hi norsey". It was so cute.

YES, I do color coodinate all of them.
God Bless America!
Here is one for my mom all the elephants with trunks up!
Here are Stevies kitties

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