Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Birthday and Hunt

CONGRATS BABY BOY YOU"RE ONE! Andrew turned one March 8th. Grandma and Grandpa Mosack came to visit and celebrate this little mans special day. We had a party for him and he enjoyed himself thoroughly, well atleast the part where he ate the cake.

wondering what this happy birthday song is
OH MY GOD I got a ball pit!
Look at that beautiful boy

The boys recently had a bog day first at the playroom ( just what it sounds like a bog playroom) the a carnival. Stevie and Noah could barelt walk by the end of the day but the went to sleep still smiling.

Stevie, Noah, Madison and Lily on a really neat see saw

Noah being a bee

Stevie amd Steve were on this! He is only 4Gods sake

My boys on the carousel

For Easter we had an Easter egg hunt at our home on tne Saturday before Easter. It was so much fun, the kids loved it. I hope to do it every year. We also had about 20 people over for Easter Sunday, it was a long weekend but well worth it.

Coloring Easter Eggs

the kids after the Easter egg hunt

Doing an egg race, Noah threw his egg to win!

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