Monday, June 25, 2007

This summer has been a big one for my boys. This is the first summer Stevie seems like a real child. He wants to be outside all the time, and oh how he loves his Lily. She is the girl next door and she is 4 years of beautiful blonde girl. Stevie absolutely adores her. Noah has discovered the pool this summer. I had to force him in but one he was got in he never wants to get out. Every time the pool is filled I have to make sure to keep a good eye on him because he gets in clothes and all whether you want him to or not. He splashed Stevie a lot and Stevie gets so upset I have to keep reminding him it is water. Drew has finally justified me owning that outdoor bouncer, I never really used it before but he is constantly in it. He likes to sit outside with me and look around. He talks to the lion that hangs in the bouncer like it is his best friend in the whole wide world, when we all know very well it is me....stupid lion. lol.

1 comment:

An said...

such beautiful babies!! it took me WAY too long to figure out who Drew is... i'm such a dork! ((i can't wait till you guys are in town!!))