Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So this neighbor of mine lets call her ...Wendy has one of these things and I thought it was great so I figured lets give it a go. Steve is currently going to combatives school, he goes from 5-9 am and the from 6-11 pm and has to go to regular work in between. Needless to say he is exhausted. He is also all brusied up his arms look horrible (I will get pics). He is also going to be going to the board soon for E6, this is very exciting for us all.
We have decieded that Stevie is going to go to preschool on post three days a week, that way he can still go to play group and story hour. He is so excited, he constantly asks to go to school and is always carrying around his new bookbag, spiderman of course.
Noah is starting to talk so much. His favorite word right now is COKE. No matter what you ask him he says coke. But he also seems to be growing up alot lately. He is getting taller and he listens better, notice I said better not good. He is still the one that keeps me on my toes and i don't forsee that changing.
Andrew is amazing. I cant get enough of him. He is sweet and gentle and calm. All things I admire in a baby. He is the kind of baby that makes you want to have more babies. He is staring to roll over and he likes to sit up with some help. But his all time favorite thing is to watch television. He doenst care what anyone else is doing as long as he can watch TV.

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