Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here are some pics just for our parents to see until I get them all up!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It was recently Birthday time at the Mosack house celebrating Stevies 4th Birthday adn Noahs 2nd. We had alot of visitors. First Grandma Holly and Grandpa Tim came and we took them to Busch gardens to celebrate. They had a great time. The Grandma Lois and Grandpa Steve came and were able to be there for the boys party. It was very nice in my oh so unbiased opinion. We had egg races, which for a bunch of "babies" the did rather well. The we tried to get them to pop balloons using eachothers bellies and and well to make a long story short really who wants to pop a good balloon. The boys got lots of good presents. They were so excited with all the new things, Stevie screamed when he opened a Ninja Turtle van. I thouht he was going to pass out. They each ahd their own cake and we all sang them Happy Birthday. Stevie is already asking when he birthday is coming. Not for awhile I tell him... thank God!

Awhile back Wendy my neighbor and I went on a trip to a local mall called Stony Point. Now while it is a great mall unless you are a gizziolianare you cannot shop here. But the fountain in the center is great and the kids love it. This was the first time Stevie had ever gone and now he is addicted asking to go all the time. We took Noah a few weeks later but he wouldnt get in he just ran around the fountain singing la la la la, extremely loud. His picks are to come soon.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Lately it has been extremely hot here in Virginia. So what does that mean exactly, alot of indoor play and naked babies. The boys have been spending the majority of their time in the house lately, or at other indoor activities like playgroup. I know it is on Stevies last nerve, but he is the worst of them all. He can beoutside for just a few moments and come back looking like a sweaty tomato. His best friend Lily has also been gone awhile now so he is getting very anxious for her return. Noah is fine as long as he is eating. And Andrew as long as he can see me lets face it he is a happy camper.

I dont know what they were doing here!
Pretty baby
Happy Boy

Noah after the wiggles, shhh shhh shhh noahs now asleep!

Swim lessons

Stevie took swim lessons this summer and he was the best in his class if i do say so myself. He listened so well and did everything he was told. I had him in the preschool class and his teacher told me to skip level one and go right to level two, that he is ready. I am so proud of him.

Stevie getting ready for swim class
Stevie jumping in before his teacher got there
Stevie learning how to doggie paddle


Stevie and Noah went to the wiggles recently. Grandma Loretta gave them the tickets for their birthdays. They had such a good time. Stevie danced and sang the whole concert and Noah just sat smiling in disbelief the whole time. You could just see in his head he was going, "is it really them, is the really Anthony!" Thanks Grandma they had such a good time.

Thanks for the shirts Grandma Holly

Stevie and Noah waiting for the concert to start

Noah showing Daddy the wiggles

Stevie giving a wiggles dancer his bone for Wags

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Andrews baptism and trip to Cleveland

Great things have been happening for our little men lately. As you can see Andrew was baptized on the 21st of July. His God parents were Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Chris. Andrew was so very handsome and behaved so well. Not one cry the whole time, even when the water was poured over his sweet head. His Grandma Lois hosted a wonderful party for Andrew the following Sunday and tons of people came to celebrate our beautiful baby.
Noah is doing so well. Its seems out of nowhere he can say whatever you ask him to. He is asking for things by name and we can trust him to walk in public places. He listens better and we can trust him to play without us being on top of him all the time. We are also well aware that he is now ready for a toddler bed. Which in a way I am very happy about it, I mean after all his been through right, lol. But on the other hand he is so small and my little guy and I hate to see him take any steps towards not needing me.
Stevie is also up to alot. He started his swim lessons today and I was told he was the best in the class, which is always nice to hear. Tomorrow he signs up for soccer, also very exciting I cant wait to see him in a little uniform. He also wont stop talking about school and what a big boy he is. Jeez I cant remember a time he wasn't big.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The kids had a great time on the fourth of July! We went to the fourth at the fort festivities where Daddy played. There was a very big slide the kids just loved, and the firworks were ok too.

So this neighbor of mine lets call her ...Wendy has one of these things and I thought it was great so I figured lets give it a go. Steve is currently going to combatives school, he goes from 5-9 am and the from 6-11 pm and has to go to regular work in between. Needless to say he is exhausted. He is also all brusied up his arms look horrible (I will get pics). He is also going to be going to the board soon for E6, this is very exciting for us all.
We have decieded that Stevie is going to go to preschool on post three days a week, that way he can still go to play group and story hour. He is so excited, he constantly asks to go to school and is always carrying around his new bookbag, spiderman of course.
Noah is starting to talk so much. His favorite word right now is COKE. No matter what you ask him he says coke. But he also seems to be growing up alot lately. He is getting taller and he listens better, notice I said better not good. He is still the one that keeps me on my toes and i don't forsee that changing.
Andrew is amazing. I cant get enough of him. He is sweet and gentle and calm. All things I admire in a baby. He is the kind of baby that makes you want to have more babies. He is staring to roll over and he likes to sit up with some help. But his all time favorite thing is to watch television. He doenst care what anyone else is doing as long as he can watch TV.

Monday, June 25, 2007

This summer has been a big one for my boys. This is the first summer Stevie seems like a real child. He wants to be outside all the time, and oh how he loves his Lily. She is the girl next door and she is 4 years of beautiful blonde girl. Stevie absolutely adores her. Noah has discovered the pool this summer. I had to force him in but one he was got in he never wants to get out. Every time the pool is filled I have to make sure to keep a good eye on him because he gets in clothes and all whether you want him to or not. He splashed Stevie a lot and Stevie gets so upset I have to keep reminding him it is water. Drew has finally justified me owning that outdoor bouncer, I never really used it before but he is constantly in it. He likes to sit outside with me and look around. He talks to the lion that hangs in the bouncer like it is his best friend in the whole wide world, when we all know very well it is me....stupid lion. lol.